Joshua Weir

the freedom of unity…

the freedom of unity…

“Many Christians have gathered like ravens around the carcass of cheap grace and there have drunk the poison which has killed the following of Christ.” – Dietrich Bonheoffer Society at large has made the individual at the focus of everything. Personal achievement, acquisition, status and acclaim bombard us around every corner. From shows like American […]

Lunatic Justice

Lunatic Justice

“The absolutely unpardonable thing was not (Jesus’) concern for the sick, the cripples, the lepers, the possessed… not even for his partisanship for the poor, humble people. The real trouble was that He got involved with real moral failures, with obviously irreligious and immoral people: people morally and politically suspect, so many dubious, obscure, abandoned, […]

Serenity Now!!!

Serenity Now!!!

“The Devil never rejoices more than when he robs a servant of God of his peace of heart.” – Francis of Assisi Stillness is vital to survival. In society today, we hear quite the opposite message day and night, from the masses that derive significance within achievement and attainment. The message of today is much […]

Talk of Rapture in the Streets…

Talk of Rapture in the Streets…

“For though we very truly hear that the kingdom of God will be filled with splendor, joy, happiness and glory, yet when these things are spoken of, they remain utterly remote from our perception, and as it were, wrapped in obscurities, until that day” ~ John Calvin There is an underlying principle which is often […]

Some days are better than others…

Some days are better than others…

“The early American Indians had a specific last rite of passage before a boy would become a man. On the night of his 13th birthday, after his testing though trials of hunting, fishing and scouting; he would be placed in the center of dense forest to spend the entire night alone. In the woods, thick […]

Living outside the box

Living outside the box

“If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?” – Chuck Palahniuk An infinite number of introductions begin with a simple gesture and a polite, “What do you do? The simplicity ends the moment the answer becomes difficult. Many times the innocence of context […]

In the path of brokenness

In the path of brokenness

“To embrace one’s brokenness, whatever it looks like, whatever has caused it, carries within it the possibility that one might come to embrace one’s healing.” – Robert Benson A consistent platform for politicians is to offer solutions which will fix what has gone awry in society. When these men and women are then afforded these […]

Not as we expect…

Not as we expect…

“I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance – waiting for the bathroom.” – Bob Hope Waiting. We’re all waiting for something. Many of us are feeling the middle of a specific timetable. When we look at our experiences in life, much of it is spent between places where we know, […]

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