Category: The Faithful

the freedom of unity…

the freedom of unity…

“Many Christians have gathered like ravens around the carcass of cheap grace and there have drunk the poison which has killed the following of Christ.” – Dietrich Bonheoffer Society at large has made the individual at the focus of everything. Personal achievement, acquisition, status and acclaim bombard us around every corner. From shows like American […]

Some days are better than others…

Some days are better than others…

“The early American Indians had a specific last rite of passage before a boy would become a man. On the night of his 13th birthday, after his testing though trials of hunting, fishing and scouting; he would be placed in the center of dense forest to spend the entire night alone. In the woods, thick […]

In the path of brokenness

In the path of brokenness

“To embrace one’s brokenness, whatever it looks like, whatever has caused it, carries within it the possibility that one might come to embrace one’s healing.” – Robert Benson A consistent platform for politicians is to offer solutions which will fix what has gone awry in society. When these men and women are then afforded these […]

His heart for our survival

His heart for our survival

“The illusion of control is truly pathetic, but it is also hilarious. Deciding what I need most out of life, carefully calibrating my next move, and generally allowing my autonomous self to run amok inflates my sense importance and reduces the God of my incredible journey to the role of spectator from the sidelines.” – […]

Provision in jars of clay

Provision in jars of clay

“May all of your expectations be frustrated. May all of your plans be thwarted. May all of your desires be withered into nothingness, that you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and sing and dance in the love of God who is Father, Son and Spirit.” – Larry Hein Intention, expectation and […]

The Subtle and the Soul

The Subtle and the Soul

“When my thinking about God is correct, consistent and focused, I am, in some way, thinking correctly about everything else. When my thinking about God is incorrect, inconsistent or disjointed, I am thinking incorrectly about everything else in my life. More than anything else, I need a right view of God.” – Fil Anderson One […]

Lives Defined by Joy

Lives Defined by Joy

“Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness” – Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy There is an immense joy in the Spirit of the Lord. C.S. Lewis contends that God is the most joyful being who has ever […]

The calling to be free

The calling to be free

“Quit keeping score altogether and surrender yourself with all your sinfulness to God who sees neither the score nor the score-keeper, but only his child redeemed by Christ.” – Thomas Merton We live in a society which is obsessed with freedoms. More appropriately we are experiencing a culture which is preoccupied with a distorted realization […]

Security out of Risk

Security out of Risk

“Honesty before God requires the most fundamental risk of faith we can take; the risk that God is good, that God does love us unconditionally. It is in taking the risk that we rediscover our dignity. To bring the truth to ourselves, just as we are, to God, just as God is, is the most […]

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